

How did get started using dim

Dim is a bit complex...

Some things to do before inviting dim

If you are an admin, make sure the owner or co owner of the server understands how dim works and what it will do in the server
Beware: This bot still is in development. This could be changed.
Now continue on

Setting Up configuration

You can invite the dim bot here!
Now when you invite dim, dim will ask you to configurate the bot before doing anything. This section will explain what certain parts of the command mean and what they do
1. Channel Configuration
1. Report Channel (Global And Space) - Report Channels are for the built in report feature for users and messages! This can help reporting easier for spaces and the server. GLOBAL reports are reports that aren't in any space and completely public to everyone and space reports are space specific reports only inside the space channels. GLOBAL & SPACE are intended to be seperate & private and accessible to the correct roles (Make space admins be able to access space reports and actual admins access global and space)

2. Space Invitation Channel - This channel's purpose is a specific area for space advertisements to be send when you create a space via the creation process. This channel should always be public!

3. Space Application & Space Application Recieve Channel - The space application channel intended purpose is self explainatory, for anyone whos planning to create a space can apply inside your server. The channel itself can be public but the application recieve channel is private as it sends every application made. You can contact the creator of the application.
2. Roles Configuration
1. Report Global Role - This is a pinging role for GLOBAL reports in your server, i recommand putting the real administrator role to use that

2. Report Space Role - This is a pinging role for reports made inside a space, you can make a global role for space admins.

3. Admin Channel
1. Host Channel/Admin Channel - This is where all the cool things for spaces are. 2 Threads will be made inside the channel for space creation and space removal. This should be VERY PRIVATE and only Head admins or admins should see this

Creating a space!

BEFORE you go to the thread and click the button, you need to get some things prepared before doing anything!
You will need to create 3 roles! - A Owner role, A admin role and a member role! Make SURE the name of those roles are formatted like this "'SpaceName [Cap Sensitive]' - Space - [Type of Role (Admin, Member and Owner)]" and don't put any permissions to the channel globally. Now if you haven't create a catagory with the same cap sensitive space name and set permissions to the catagory to make the owner do anything in the catagory, the admin having the specific admin permissions in the catagory and member should just be able to send messages and see channels. It's recommanded to make @everyone not able to see all of the channels. You can give the creator of the application the role so that they can make their space ready, like a welcome channel and making the place ready for the public.

if there is no welcome channel, just use a common channel like general
1. Creation
If everything is ready and the permissions are correct! You can finally click the button for the creation process, the first thing would be role id, the role id it's asking for member for users to join, the name of the space or id section is the catagory name or id, i recommand using an id if the catagory name is the same is another in the server. You can copy the descripton from the application itself. The space icon or image can be provided from application and the the welcome channel can be an actual welcome channel or a common channel

Thank you for reading if you did